This is a historical site that is open daily from 8 am to 6 pm. It contains the Mnarani ruins that date back to between the 14th and 17th centuries. When you visit the monumental site, you first get to see the tortoise and snake park set up right by the entrance. You can hold the baby tortoises and observe them as they move around.
Their oldest tortoise is around 20 years of age. The snake centre currently holds 13 snakes which include, the green mamba, black mamba, puff adder, stripped-bellied snake, and the worst spitting cobra. A guide walks around with you and educates you about the history of each snake, which is quite an informative session. Thereafter you climb up the stairs that lead you to the Mnarani ruins the first point of arrival is the ruin of the big mosque and there you learn the history of the mosque and can thereafter go on a nature trail where you discover another small mosque ruin and storage facility, and you will then end the walk with the viewpoint of the Kilifi creek where you get to see the grand view of the Indian Ocean.